Stand and Stand Table

The Stand worksheet shows the current stand including the tree list and summary stand characteristics.

Following projection of an an MSS CP there will multiple copies of the stands worksheet, one for each sub-stand.

Immediately following establishment several fields in the tree list may not be available (e.g. increments); "not available" is denoted by "-1".

An empty tree list may appear to contain many Excel errors. These errors disappear once the tree list is populated.

In the following example, only a partial listing of the trees are shown.

The Stand worksheet shows the current stand including the tree list and summary stand characteristics.

Following projection of an an MSS CP there will multiple copies of the stands worksheet, one for each sub-stand.

Immediately following establishment several fields in the tree list may not be available (e.g. increments); "not available" is denoted by "-1".

An empty tree list may appear to contain many Excel errors. These errors disappear once the tree list is populated.

In the following example, only a partial listing of the trees are shown.

Stand Summary Example 1

Stand Summary Example 2

The following table defines the tree and stand characteristics. Note that settings from the Options and Establish events may affect the values observed in the Stand worksheet. Among others this includes species utilization, merchantability and volume loss.

Name Description
trSpp Local region species code (alphanumeric)
trDbh Tree DBH (cm)
trHt Tree height (m)
trAge Total tree age (years)
trBHAge Age of tree above 1.3 m height
trDbhIncr Current year tree DBH increment (cm)
trHtIncr Current year tree height increment (m)
trNum Local tree number (use-specified for real stands, automatic for simulated stands)
Cratio Tree crown ratio (not currently used)
X,Y Local x-y coordinates for tree location (not currently used)
HIDIratio Ratio: current height increment / current DBH increment (m/cm)
HDratio Ratio: trHt/trDbh
trBaHa Basal area (m2/ha) for the tree (trBa*trpha)
stBagt stand basal area/ha in trees with DBH > trDbh
stCbagt Conifer stand basal area/ha for trees with DBH > trDbh
stDbagt Deciduous stand basal area/ha for trees with DBH > trDbh
trSppGrp Internal species group code (Dec = deciduous, Con = coniferous)
trMGMspp Internal MGM species code
PctRank Quantile (%/100) rank for the tree
trPsurv Currrent year survival probablility
trVol Tree volume from stump height to top diameter inside bark (ib) for trees of all species with height> 1.3 m (DBH > 0). This definition is used to be consistent with the stand summary characteristics that typically include trees of all species with DBH > 0.
trUtil TRUE if species is utilized and tree DBH > 0 otherwise FALSE
trVRF tree Volume Reduction Factor from Options event setting (decay, waste, breakage)
trSppIdx Internal tree species index number (1-origin on worksheet)
trMGMSppIdx Internal MGM species index number (1-origin on worksheet)
trJuv TRUE for trees with DBH < 4.0 cm otherwise FALSE
trSWGGR Total SW basal area for trees with DBH > trDBH
trPLGGR Total PL basal area for trees with DBH > trDBH
trDECDBHGR sum of DBH for DEC trees with DBH > trDBH
trSWDBHGR sum of DBH for SW trees with DBH > trDBH
trPLDBHGR sum of DBH for PL trees with DBH> trDBH
trVolSurvGrth Current annual volume growth of survivor trees (alive at both beginning and end of the growth year) between stump height and top dib for all trees with height > 1.3 m (DBH > 0)
tmpKey Internal sequence number for trees

Stand worksheet summary statistics (Range: B10-AH17; sums and averages are based on trees of all species with DBH > 0). Note: internally there is also a “red” state for the Stand worksheet that only applies when writing stand characteristics to the Yields worksheet. Under normal circumstances the user will never see the “red” state. In the “red” state, the trUtil definition changes to include only trees of utilized species with DBH > minDBH.

Column ID Description
Stand Summary Stand component ID: ALL, Con, Dec, Sw, Pl, Aw, Sb representing species aggregation groups; all species will be placed into these groups
Site index Average height of dominant/co-dominant (or top height) trees using the regional site index curves. All are currently reference age 50 years.
stAvD Average DBH (cm) of all trees with DBH > 0
stQMD Quadratic mean diameter of all trees with DBH > 0
stmaxD Maximum DBH
stAvDincr Average Diameter increment (cm) of all trees with DBH > 0
stAvH Average height of all trees with DBH > 0
stTopH Average height of 100 largest DBH trees
stTopHIncr Average current annual height increment for top trees (100 largest DBH/ha)
stmaxH Maximum height
stAvAge Average age of all trees
stAvBHAge Average BH age (age at height 1.3 m)
stBa Total basal area (m2 / ha)
stDen Density of trees / ha
stNuDen Density/ha for all trees with HT < 1.3 m
stTotDen Density/ha for ALL trees
strelBa Component basal area as proportion of stBa (ALL)
strelDen Component density as proportion of stDen (ALL)
strelTotDen Component density as proportion of stTotDen (ALL)
stSF Average square Spacing for stDen as proportion of stAvH
stVol Sum (trVol * trVRF) for trees with DBH > 0
stGrVol Sum of tree volumes for trees with DBH > 0
stMatDen Total density/ha of trees with DBH > 4.0 cm
stJuvDen Total density/ha of trees with DBH <= 4.0 cm
stAvJvHt Average height (m) for trees with DBH <= 4.0 cm
stTopD Average DBH for 100 largest DBH trees/ha
stDenDead Current year density/ha of dead trees (all trees of all species)
stBaDead Current year basal area/ha of dead trees
stVolDead Current year gross volume/ha of dead trees
stBaSurvGrowth Current year basal area/ha growth of survivor trees
stVolSurvGrowth Current year gross volume/ha growth of survivor trees
stMAI Gross volume/ha MAI (stGrVol/standAge)
stMaxMAI Maximum stMAI encountered up to the last yield report


The Stand Table worksheet is a PivotTable and Pivot Chart linked to the trees found in the Stand worksheet. An example follows: