Ex. 3: (Phase 3.) Design the growth projection

This phase of crop plan design deals with setting up the final stage of the growth projection.

  1. Click the Move Down to Next Event button () to move down to next event (End).
  2. Click the Insert button (), select Grow and press OK to activate the Grow event dialog.
    1. Enter stand ages 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 in the Grow to box.
    2. Click OK when all entries are correct.
  3. Save the Crop Plans worksheet by clicking on the MGM Toolbar Save button () (not the Excel save button!).
  4. The following table should be similar, but not necessarily identical, to the plan you have just created.
Crop Plans MGM Example 3 Saved: 0801 May 16 2009
Stand Age Year Event Settings
Crop Plans CropPlansID := MGM Example 3
Crop Plan CropPlanID := Help Ex. 3 - MSS Herb
Options Region := 1 SubRegion := 1 StandsWbkName := M _MinDbh := 13.51 _topdib := 10
14 2000 Establish StandID := AWSW StandWT := .4 SourceIndex := 2 Seed := 0.1976 GapArea% := 20
14 2000 Establish StandID := Sw - Herb StandWT := .6 SourceIndex := 2 Seed := 0.2905 GapArea% := 20
14 2000 Thin StandID := Sw - Herb RemRuleIndex := 3 RemAmtIndex := 5 RemovalAmt := 100 Species := DEC
14 2000 Grow Schedule := 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 2006 Regen StandID := Sw - Herb StandWT := .6 SourceIndex := 2 Seed := 0.2905 GapArea% := 0
20 2006 Record Sheet := ALL
20 2006 Grow Schedule := 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
150 2136 End