This phase of crop plan design deals with adding events to simulate the application of herbicide to the Sw - Herb Strata.
- Click the Move Down to Next Event button (
) to activate the Grow event.
- Click the Insert Event button (
), select Thin and press OK to open the Thinning dialog
Species - Dec
Min DBH - -1
Removal Rule - With the Largest Diameter Trees First
Removal Amount Rule - Remove a fixed % of Density
Amount - 100
MSS Sub-Stand - Sw - Herb
- Click OK when all entries are correct.
- Right-click the first Grow event
- Click the Edit button (
) to activate the edit dialog.
- Enter stand ages 15 16 17 18 19 20 in the Grow to box. These are the stand ages at which yields will be calculated.
- Click the Single growth Schedule option button if it is not already set.
- Click OK when all entries are correct.
- Click the Move Down using the Next Event button (
) to activate the End event
- Click the Insert Event button (
), select Regen and press OK to open the Regen dialog.
- Click on the Trees (Stand <= 25 years) Tab.
- Set - Stand Settings
Stand ID - Sw-Herb
Stand Wt - .6
Age should be okay at 20!
Random Seed - sets a starting random number if you choose, for our example it should read - 0.2905
Gap Area Loss % - 20 - Choose Stand Origin as PerfSurveyAllTrees.
- Site index - 16
Tree Characteristics
Species - Aw
Av Density/ha - 3400
Av Tree Age - 6
Av Ht - 1.6
stDev Ht - 0.3
Max Ht - 2
Av DBH - 0.4stDev DBH - 0.4
Press the Add button in the Tree List Parameters box.
Note: notice the DBH and StDev DBH were changed to (.5 and .12) to better represent the average condition
Click OK when all entries are correct.
Note: MGM will warn you that your StandWt is less than 1.0 so respond yes to proceed
- Click the Move Down to Next Event button (
) as needed to activate the End event (highlighted in yellow)
- Right-click the End event to insert a Record Stand event immediately after the thin event.
- Click the Insert Event button on the MGM Toolbar or the shortcut menu (right-click on the event to display this menu).
- Select Record Stand.
MGM MSS-CP sub-stands list dialogue - choose ALL - Click OK.
- Save the Crop Plans worksheet by clicking on the MGM Toolbar Save button (
) (not the Excel save button!).
- The following table should be similar, but not necessarily identical, to the plan you have just created.
Crop Plans | MGM Example 3 | Saved: 0753 May 16 2009 | ||||||
Stand Age | Year | Event | Settings | |||||
Crop Plans | CropPlansID := MGM Example 3 | |||||||
Crop Plan | CropPlanID := Help Ex. 3 - MSS Herb | |||||||
Options | Region := 1 | SubRegion := 1 | StandsWbkName := M | _MinDbh := 13.51 | _topdib := 10 | |||
14 | 2000 | Establish | StandID := AWSW | StandWT := .4 | SourceIndex := 2 | Seed := 0.1976 | GapArea% := 20 | |
14 | 2000 | Establish | StandID := Sw - Herb | StandWT := .6 | SourceIndex := 2 | Seed := 0.2905 | GapArea% := 20 | |
14 | 2000 | Thin | StandID := Sw - Herb | RemRuleIndex := 3 | RemAmtIndex := 5 | RemovalAmt := 100 | Species := DEC | |
14 | 2000 | Grow | Schedule := 1 1 1 1 1 1 | |||||
20 | 2006 | Regen | StandID := Sw - Herb | StandWT := .6 | SourceIndex := 2 | Seed := 0.2905 | GapArea% := 0 | |
20 | 2006 | Record | Sheet := ALL | |||||
20 | 2006 | End |