Execution of a Crop Plan is initiated using one of the MGM Toolbar buttons. One button allows execution of all or part of a single Crop Plan (). The (
) allow for the execution of the entire selected crop plan. The other (
) executes all crop plans in the Crop Plans worksheet.
Before execution of a newly developed Crop Plan it is prudent to save the Crop Plans worksheet to the Crop Plans workbook (). If you just completed the Phase 3 instructions, you have already done this. If you are keeping a working copy of the entire MGM workbook as well, it is a good idea to save the workbook as a further precaution; this is done using the Excel File|Save menu item.
Executing a crop plan for the first time is almost always done by using the Execute Crop Plan to the current event button (). Using this button, all or part of a crop plan can be evaluated for correctness. The easiest way to do the execution is to right-click at the last event you want to evaluate and click the Execute CP to this Event button on the shortcut menu.
It's difficult to avoid making errors, so the best policy is the usual programmer policy of not trusting anyone's word (especially your own) that "It's bound to work this time!". Errors are usually apparent either in the strange results you get or error indicators appearing on the Record worksheet. The Record worksheet is the starting point for viewing the results of a projection. It includes a complete summary of the simulation including a copy of the Crop Plans worksheet, any Record events, and the final Yields worksheet.
For our example,
- Right-click on the Establish event and then click the blue Execute CP to this Event button (
). This will execute the crop plan up to and including the Establish event. During execution the Excel Status Bar (bottom of of the Excel window) displays the Crop Plan identifier and other information for the stand being projected. When execution is completed, you can examine the Record and Stand Worksheets to see if the stand is properly established. There should not be any Excel error symbols. Trees < 1.3 m will have missing data indicators (-1) for some characteristics.
- Once you're satisfied that all is well, you can click the Execute Crop Plans worksheet button (
) to execute the entire crop plan.
- Now you are ready to examine the Record worksheet for the complete projection sequence (Phase 5).