Ex. 2: (Phase 1) Creating a Second Crop Plan

So far in Example 1, we developed a simple crop plan. We will take the crop plan we developed and replicate it to simulate a herbicide application.  We will project the crop plans and then examine the result of this.

The following steps are needed to set up the second  Crop Plan within the Crop Plans worksheet:

  1. Select the entire crop plan by right-clicking on one of  the Crop Plan events and selecting the Select current CP button. The same effect may be achieved by using your mouse: click and drag to select the entire rows beginning with the Crop Plan event and ending with the first End event. 
  2. Click on the Excel Copy button () or the Edit|Copy menu item. The selection should now have a flashing dashed line around the entire Crop Plan.
  3. Select the first cell of the row you wish to copy the crop plan to, ie. A15.
  4. Click on the Excel Insert|Copied Cells menu item to make the second copy of the Crop Plan. Note that this menu item will not appear if you have already executed this command. It may also not appear immediately  if you have Excel Smart menu option in effect. Wait a few seconds and it should appear.
  5. Right-click on the second Crop Plan event and then click on the Edit button () on the shortcut menu to edit the event. Change the Crop Plan name to
  6. Help Ex. 2 - Herbicide.
  7. Right-click on the Crop Plans event to make it the active event (highlighted in yellow).
  8. Press the Edit button () to activate the Edit Crop Plans dialog.
    1. To specify a new crop plans identifier, replace Untitled with MGM Example 2.
    2. Press OK.
  9. Save () the Crop Plans worksheet.
Crop Plans MGM Example 2 Saved: 1535 May 15 2009
Stand Age Year Event Settings
Crop Plans CropPlansID := MGM Example 1
Crop Plan CropPlanID := Help Ex. 1 - Crop Plan 1
Options Region := 1 SubRegion := 1 StandsWbkName := M _MinDbh := 13.51 _topdib := 10
14 2000 Establish StandID := AwSw StandWT := 1 SourceIndex := 2 Seed := 0.2905 GapArea% := 20
14 2000 Record Sheet := Stand
14 2000 Grow Schedule := 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
30 2016 Record Sheet := Stand
30 2016 Grow Schedule := 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
150 2136 Record Sheet := Stand
150 2136 End
Crop Plan CropPlanID := Help Ex. 2 - Herbicide
Options Region := 1 SubRegion := 1 StandsWbkName := M _MinDbh := 13.51 _topdib := 10
14 2000 Establish StandID := AwSw StandWT := 1 SourceIndex := 2 Seed := 0.2905 GapArea% := 20
14 2000 Record Sheet := Stand
14 2000 Grow Schedule := 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
30 2016 Record Sheet := Stand
30 2016 Grow Schedule := 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
150 2136 Record Sheet := Stand
150 2136 End